To day I am writing an article about the migrants who are settling into a country. Migrants are those people who move from one place to another and settle there. In a new country one might have some new experiences and faces new challenges.
When a person moves to a new country the first challenge he might face with the language of that country. Because most of the time the language of two countries are different from each other. If a person wants another person to understand his idea, he needs to know the language of that person. So it's so important to learn the language of the new country. Otherwise it will be difficult for a person to survive in that country.
The second thing a person might find difficult is to get a job in a new country. I think Luka Kara was a very lucky man because he got his hairdressing license without knowing English properly and in a very short time he started his own business. But every situation not similar like this. Many people find it difficult to get a job in a new country. Because they might not have proper training on a specific field or their qualification from their own country might not work in a new country. But above all its true that a man can do anything if he wants to do. There is a well known say "If there is a will there is a way". So if a person works hard to achieve his goal he will be successful in the long run.
Food habit might be another problem for a migrant settling into a new country. Every country has its unique food habit. In some culture one food might be prohibited but in another country that food might be most desirable to eat. When a migrant goes to a restaurant he might face big problem because it might be difficult for him to understand the name of the dishes in the menu card. He might order a dish but when the dish comes he might find it totally different from what he has thought he has ordered.
In a new country it is a problem for a migrant to get an information about anything. A migrant might not know where to go to get that information. Many migrants come to a new country where they do not have any friends and relatives. Some times its very difficult for a migrant to make friend in a new country.
Accommodation is another problem for a migrant in a new country. To lease an unit a person has to submit references,bank statement and some other documents which is very difficult for a new migrant in a country.
There may be many other problems a migrant face in a new country. Despite of these above problems there are so many opportunities for a migrant in a new country. A migrant only has to find out and set a right goal for himself and try hard to achieve it. He might face problems in the beginning but once he finds the right way to do things then it will be better day by day.